Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Blog Has Moved!

I'm pretty sure this post is LOOOOONG overdue, and I sincerely apologize for not posting this six months ago! This morning I was talking with a good friend who had been a faithful reader of my blog for quite a while, and she asked why my blog posts had suddenly stopped... Then I realized that I hadn't redirected anyone to my NEW blog location. Important lesson learned.

M Clark Photography launched an *official* website last September! The interface is much more suited to the growth of the business, and the blog is nicely integrated with the website, to keep everything accessible from one place.

I am thrilled to invite you to visit the new website at!!
The navigation menu across the top will allow you to explore my current services and browse galleries of recent work, and the "Blog" link at the top will take you to the front page of the new blog. You can also click here ( to go directly to the blog page. Don't miss the archived posts, which you can find in a menu down the right side of the page!

Thank you all so much for your readership and support of M Clark Photography!
You make it possible for me to grow, and the new website and the business is a success because of you!

Because every blog post is better with a photo... here is a taste of what is developing at M Clark Photography!